True stories about our talisman effect

"A young couple contacted the Rabbi and described a situation in which their young son is hospitalized in critical condition with a small chance of survival. The doctors didn't give the boy more than 4 hours to live.

The Rabbi was called to the boy's bed; he shut himself in the room alone with the boy for a period of half an hour. When the rabbi left the room he promised the parents that the boy is going to be alright. An hour later, the boy got out of his bed and cried for water. The amazed parents couldn't believe their eyes while the doctors still cannot describe what had happen. The boy is still alive."

kabbalah miracles

"One day, a young Yeshiva student came crying to the Rabbi. He told the Rabbi that he has been married for 8 years and still has no children. The different fertility treatments that were recommended by several doctors have yet proven to be helpful. The Rabbi asked for both the student and his mother's names. A few minutes later, the rabbi explained with resolution that the student didn't put the Tefillin on his head as he should have.

The day afterwards, the Yeshiva student went to a Peer institute (The biggest institute in Israel for checking Tefillin and Mezuzot). When they opened the head Tefillin they were amazed to discover that the parchment was defective. Therefore, it was as if the student had never laid a head Tefillin in his entire life. The Yeshiva student went back to the Rabbi and asked him what his amendment will be. The Rabbi announced that a month later the student's wife will be pregnant and he will have a son, and so it was."

kabbalah miracles

"A woman came to the Rabbi's house asking for help since she could not find her soul mate. She said her hair has turned gray from worry and that she doesn't know what to do. The Rabbi asked for her and her mother's name.

After reviewing the names, the rabbi asked the woman to purchase a plane ticket to the United States of America where she will find her match. A few weeks later at a Jewish wedding, the woman met an Israeli man. After only a few months, the couple returned to Israel and got married. The Rabbi had sanctified them in their wedding."

kabbalah miracles

"One of the Rabbi's senior students came to him with one of his friends. The man was ones very rich but had lost all his assets and the joy of life. He claimed that an evil spirit took over him and that he has not been the same since.

After talking to the person for a few hours the Rabbi was certain that he could him. He looked at the face of the poor man and told him the following words: "I will write you a talisman but know this; you will be so busy that you wouldn't be able to tell the difference between day and night”. The Rabbi wrote the talisman and blesses the person. Since then, the man's luck has completely changed and he has been able to regain all of his assets back. Today, the man is considered one of the senior and most loyal supporters of Rabbi Azulai."

kabbalah miracles

"Once, a man came to Rabbi Azulai terrified and crying, claiming that nothing is going right in his life. His health was deteriorating and he felt as if there was no longer a reason for him to live. The Rabbi looked at him and told him that an evil eye curse has been surrounding him for many years.

Horrified by the rabbi's words, the man wondered what he should do. To resolve the man's problems, Rabbi Azulai wrote him a talisman and told him to bring a glass of water. When the man came back, the Rabbi dipped the talisman inside the glass and told the man to drink the water. The man did so and since then he has been successful and healthy."

All of the above miracles are true cases. They have been modified to smaller versions to fit the limited space.


Talisman protect evil eye protection