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Why Is It Important to Stop Evil Eye Effect?

Rabbi David Azulai Rabbi David Azulai

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When facing the threats of the evil eye, one should never give up and let the events take their natural course. One should always take control over the situation. The evil eye can harm innocent people. Moreover, in most cases it comes as a result of people’s envy who do not even suspect they may have this effect on others. By trying to stop evil eye effect, you do not only protect yourself, but also help other people. The universe responds very easily both to people’s negativity and positivism. Like a bee that stings when it feels danger, the world will react the same way to the person’s envy.

Sometimes envy can be unintentional. For instance, if your friend who does not have children comes to visit you and sees your offspring happy and playful, the envy he or she experiences is a result of personal deficiency or failure, and may harm the others without your friend’s conscious intention if the person has an inborn evil eye. By envying you, the offender will ultimately also became a victim of his or her own impulses. But if you protect yourself and your kids, you’ll stop evil eye negativity and protect your friend.

admin @ March 10, 2010

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