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Talisman Symbols

Rabbi David Azulai Rabbi David Azulai

Amulets Types, Kabbalah - Talismans Comments (1)

To unenlightened people kabalistic mystical traditions might seem to be greatly obscured by secret ideas and strange complicated images reflected in talisman symbols but if studied and properly understood they open up sacred prophesies for us and bring us closer to God. Throughout many centuries of studying and practicing Kabbalah many believers expressed their thoughts and experiences in talisman symbols.

They did that in order to open people’s minds and let them comprehend the mysteries of God. Through those symbols God tries to reveal Himself to perceptive individuals open to new ideas who are ready to listen, absorb and try to understand the rhythm and the heartbeat of the world that fills all living creatures. This communication with God accomplished with the help of talisman symbols brings to light new spiritual dimensions of a human mind which can be compared to a deep well of wisdom filled with an even deeper realization of the ultimate meaning of our life. This is another different reality that can be discovered through the symbols of Kabbalah found along our spiritual path to enlightenment.

admin @ October 24, 2009

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