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Kabbalah Tree of Life

Rabbi David Azulai Rabbi David Azulai

Jewish mysticism, Kabbalah - Kabbalistic Comments Off on Kabbalah Tree of Life

For many knowledgeable kabbalists the Kabbalah Tree of Life, which was first described by Isaac Luria, is the main concept which serves as a basic origin for all kabalistic doctrines and ideas. The Tree explains creation of the universal energy out of nothing. The energy then radiates into the space at increasing speeds creating the visible and
invisible matters.

However, the Kabbalah tree of life also defines the humankind’s importance and role in the existence of our world. Since humans are given the mind of their own and the ability to make their own decisions and change their lives, they occupy a special place in the Kabbalah tree of life. Humans are children of the universal energy
that manifests itself through them and communicates itself into the world. The Tree suggests that being the part of the divine energy and spirit humans should ultimately return into its domain through their spiritual seeking and realization of their purpose in this world. The Tree possesses universal truths that teach us about our life and

admin @ December 16, 2009

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