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Kabbalah and Love for People

Rabbi David Azulai Rabbi David Azulai

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Human love is an eternal source of a deep emotional connection between people. It heals souls and saves lives. That is why Kabbalah teaches that expressing love should be our main focus and predestination in life. Being able to express love for people through thoughts, words and actions is what we have to learn instead of learning how to use weapons and protect ourselves.

Kabbalah book also teaches that love shouldn’t be limited to being used only for those who are close to us. We should treat strangers and those we hardly know with as much warmth and respect as those we truly love. However, our fear of being misunderstood or unappreciated makes us unsociable and reserved in our affectionate expressions.

Opening our unrestrained love to the world means attracting more love into our life. And even though people do have different tastes and preferences, from the kabbalistic point of view, we should learn to enjoy the scenes we see, the voices we hear, and love the world and people the way they are.

admin @ May 14, 2010

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