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How King Solomon Amulets Work

Rabbi David Azulai Rabbi David Azulai

King Solomon Talismans Comments Off on How King Solomon Amulets Work

King Solomon amulets use old characters which were either Phoenician or Canaanite. When he created amulets, the great king used the Old Testament, The Book of Psalms, the Kabbalah mystical book of creation, and the ancient prayers from various religions as his basis for the creative combination of the talisman codes and the design of the amulet.

He created amulets so his people could have a powerful element which could guide them whenever he was not around and they needed his advice.

Each Solomon amulet has two layers. The outer layer is where the verses or the codes are inscribed so it technically, this is where the power is “embedded”. As for the inner layer, it works as the “operating engine” which also contains some codes. The codes on the inner layer are supposed to direct or transform the embedded power into a positive force which is beneficial for the bearer. Cheak our different kinds of King Solomon amulets,

admin @ February 28, 2009

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