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Coping with Difficulties of Life in Kabbalah

Rabbi David Azulai Rabbi David Azulai

Kabbalah - Kabbalistic Comments Off on Coping with Difficulties of Life in Kabbalah

Kabbalah teaches that everything that happens to us in our life does not happen without a purpose, whether it is good or bad. While we can be awarded for our hard work and efforts with pleasures and treasures of life, we can also face difficulties of life that are not accidental at all.

All trials, ordeals and hardships that life makes us deal with are meant to prepare us for life changes, personal growth, and development. Usually we are not given the kind of tests which we will fail. We can overcome or cope with anything that life brings us if we do it as Kabbalah teaches us and take in its wisdoms.

These stimulating, inspiring, but difficult situations make us achieve success and  progress. Even when our final goal is not achieved, we will see that our attempts and efforts brought us to the place where we want to be.

If we do give up and lose our path, life will still give us other chances as long as we have the urge and desire to achieve something. If your desire is to reach the divine Light and achieve a new level of consciousness, Kabbalah will help you cope with the difficulties which you may face on your way. You can learn from the tree of life.

admin @ April 3, 2010

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