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Amulets jewelries

Rabbi David Azulai Rabbi David Azulai

Amulets Types, Kabbalah - Kabbalistic Comments Off on Amulets jewelries

Talismans Kabbalah rings , necklace , strings etc..

In Kabbalah, amulets are usually represented by kabalistic text, protective symbols, images, figures or invocations, written or engraved on parchment, metal or some type of jewelry.

When an amulet is made right it is able to turn away sickness, envy or any other misfortune, which it is made to protect from, from its wearer. Most commonly when amulets jewelry’s are created they are first of all designed to serve their maker or to serve the special needs that the maker wants them for.

But subsequently after the mythical bound between the amulet and its maker is found, the maker can retarget the amulet’s positive powers to somebody else, and from that moment on the amulet will faithfully serve its new mster.

There are amulets jewelries for successful studies and business, for protection of pregnant women, women in labor or newborn babies, for physical and spiritual healing.

Every modern person or family should have an amulet because it also helps develop people’s potential, have clearer thoughts, easily focus on problems and solve them.

admin @ November 29, 2009

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