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Kabbalah Talismans Give Protection from Black Magic

Rabbi David Azulai Rabbi David Azulai

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Kabbalists believe that Kabbalah talismans ward off dark energy and black magic. Experts like the great Rabbi Yehuda Elizur use the powerful secrets of Kabbalah to take the negative energy of a curse and transform it into a positive, pure energy. Imbalances and negative patterns are then identified and healed. The Kabbalists’ natural state of health, inner harmony and self-confidence are then restored.

Black magic is a mystical practice used by evil individuals to bring harm to others. These spells and symbols are unleashed to bring bad health, conflicts, depression and the like. These can affect people’s minds, bodies, souls and spirits, and cannot be dealt with without the help of a professional.

Kabbalists go to rabbis to commission talismans and amulets. These can be specially written to protect their bearers from the power of black magic. To learn more about Kabbalah talismans and amulets, visit our website, where Rabbi Azulai is ready to create a talisman exclusively for you.

admin @ April 19, 2009

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