Making Sure that the Love Talisman Will Work
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A love talisman will work only if it contains the right “letters”. These letters, which are mostly derived from ancient scripts of the Hebrew, Phoenician and Canaanite societies embed the power into the talisman and then, transport it to the bearer.
To be certain that the talisman will work; it must be written or designed by a knowledgeable Kabbalah expert.
The efficacy of the talisman will also depend on the bearer’s understanding of the codes. According to Kabbalah, the talisman will only work in two cases: a) if the bearer is the one who designed the talisman; and b) if the bearer does not know the exact meaning of the letters written on it.
This is because the efficacy of the Talisman will depend on the bearer’s belief in its powers. If the bearer created his amulet, he needs to believe in it.
On the other hand, if the creator of the talisman only has a superficial understanding on the text written on the amulet, he may have a different interpretation of the text.
New interpretations may diminish; if not totally hinder the powers of the love talisman.
admin @ March 6, 2009
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